Working Method

Here we would like to take you through the working methods of Van den Boogaard Snelvervoer, where efficiency and personal service are key.

  1. Application receipt:
    As soon as a request arrives, it is immediately registered in our system.
  2. Brief telephone contact:
    A staff member contacts the client by phone to verify the request and discuss any details.
    Based on the requirements of the job, the price is matched and confirmed via email.
  3. Assignment Scheduling:
    Upon approval, the assignment is scheduled according to availability and priority.Request a cost estimate or quote
  1. Personal contact during transportation:
    During transport, there is personal contact with our staff to answer any questions and provide updates on the progress of the job.
  2. Pick-up and delivery with personal notification:
    If desired, at both pickup and delivery of the assignment, the client can be personally notified or kept informed of the exact time of arrival.
  3. Fixed contact for ambiguity or questions:
    In case of ambiguity or questions during the process, a permanent contact person is always available to support and guide the client.